kWh Partnerships
kWh began by partnering with Episcopal Schools but has expanded to include other organizations working in Haiti to help empower Haitians to meet their own economic, social and environmental needs and goals. Here are a few of the groups working on this initiative to bring solar energy to rural Haiti.
kWh received a significant portion of its funding from the Creation Care Taskforce of the Episcopal Church.
Creation care ministries seek to heal, defend, and work toward justice for all God's creation and to respect the kinship and connection of all that God created through education, advocacy, and action. In order to create capacity in the church for environmental stewardship initiatives, and in response to Resolution A030 of the 78th General Convention, the Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation was appointed in 2016.
About 60 Episcopal Schools throughout the United States have partnerships with rural schools in Haiti, of which there are more than 250. Your inquires and interest are welcome, whether you represent an Episcopal School or not. Many of our school partnerships involve co-partners which are Episcopal or non-Episcopal churches, individuals, schools, and associations. New partnerships are always welcome and are very much needed.
Voix et Actions was formed after the terrible earthquake of January 2010. They came together to help their fellow Haitians. Since that time they have mentored students; sponsored health clinics; taught classes; designed and operated a micro-loan program in Trouin, Haiti; and designed and operated a goat breeding and distribution program. Now, Voix et Actions has established the Village Farm in Trouin. This Farm will support local farmers and business women by providing animals at below market prices to raise or to sell so that they can support their families. U.S. partners of Voix et Actions coordinate with Trinity Episcopal Church in Washington, Virginia or Voices and Actions for Haiti, a program of United Charitable
kWh received some of its funding from the Professional Development Fund of Ferrum College.
Ferrum College provides unique opportunities and an excellent educational experience that will transform our students’ lives within a welcoming, supportive community. We want our students, from all walks of life, to be empowered to discover their potential, achieve their goals, and make a difference in their communities. The Ferrum experience is rich with opportunities for internships, hands-on learning, international and domestic travel, scholars programs, personal development, and service to the community.